
Astronomers have just stunned the world with THIS

This discovery could revolutionize the theories that explain the physics of neutron stars and the formation of magnetars.

Astronomers from the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) have recently made a discovery that promises to reshape our understanding of neutron stars and magnetars. The object, named GPM J1839-10, located 15,000 light-years away in the Scutum constellation, has left scientists awe-struck with its extraordinary properties. Armed with the powerful Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) radio telescope, the international team has stumbled upon a celestial body boasting incredibly strong magnetic fields, a phenomenon that defies existing theories surrounding neutron stars.

This newfound celestial wonder is suspected to be an ultra-long period magnetar, an exceptionally rare type of neutron star capable of producing immensely powerful bursts of energy due to its magnetic fields, billions of times more potent than Earth's. Strikingly, GPM J1839-10 emits bursts of radio waves lasting up to five minutes every 22 minutes, breaking all records for magnetar energy emission periods. Surprisingly, the first traces of these waves were observed as far back as 1988 by the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope in India and the U.S. Very Large Array radio telescope, but it took over three decades for the revelation to come to light.

The star's unique properties have left researchers astonished, as it challenges their preconceived notions of neutron stars' behavior. Despite its slow rotation, GPM J1839-10 emits high-energy waves, a characteristic that, if confirmed as a magnetar, should not be possible according to current scientific understanding. This enigma raises profound questions about the formation and evolution of magnetars and has the potential to revolutionize our grasp of astrophysical phenomena.The implications of this discovery are far-reaching and may open up exciting new avenues for research. As lead author Natasha Hurley-Walker remarks, the unanticipated nature of GPM J1839-10's existence compels scientists to reevaluate existing theories on neutron stars and their intriguing counterparts, the magnetars. With this celestial enigma waiting to be unraveled, the world of astronomy is set for a new era of exploration and understanding. As the team continues to delve deeper into the secrets of this captivating object, the hope is that it will shed light on the mysteries of the universe, offering fresh insights into the cosmos that will captivate both seasoned scientists and astronomy enthusiasts alike.Source:
